Material and Textile

We use 100% cotton threads for Bobbin lace as well as organic cotton for our designs. The primary fabric is made in a small fabric mill in Kyoto, Japan. We worked with them from the yarn sourcing stage to the final fabric and we create and engineer our customized fabric designs with the Japanese textile designers.

Certain materials are carefully picked from factory overruns minimizing the impact on the planet and passing the monetary benefit to the consumer to encourage a meaningful purchase.


We believe that technology, innovation, and expertise are the main elements to elevate any product. To create timeless fashion, we have to bring applications, processes and expertise. That’s one of the reasons that we’ve been partnering with many experts and institutions to bring novelty ideas.

In 2015, we collaborated with a 3D writing company to create 3D printed eyewear frames. In 2018, we collaborated with one of the oldest German warp knit facilities to create engineered sweaters incorporating Woolmark-certified yarn. All our surface design is hand made or curated in laundries and print houses which are “Bluesign” accredited. For graphics, we use modern digital hybrid technology, which eliminates the usage of water whilst reducing emissions.

Craft within Handmade Beerlau Lace

KÛR's main line incorporates handmade bobbin (Beeralu) lace into contemporary fashion. Beeralu lace was introduced to Sri Lanka by the Portuguese and developed by Dutch, over the years Beeralu craftsmanship has taken a Sri Lankan twist.

Lace weaving used to be a main source of income generator for many women in the southern coastal region of Sri Lanka. Just like every other craftsmanship in the world beeralu lace is on the verge of extinction. One of the main goals of creating sustainability is by revitalizing dying crafts as it supports the craftsmanship as well as the artisans.

Artisans & Supply Chain

Our craftsmanship had been preserved over generations since the 16th Century in the southern coastal region of Sri Lanka. In 2011 KÛR partnered a workshop with craft personnel in Southern Sri Lanka as a part of empowering rural women. As a brand, we create international market access to a craft on the verge of extinction. The all-women crew has the privilege to harness their talents whilst making a decent livelihood whilst supporting the families.

The main lady Mrs Susila is a pro lace weaver and an instructor of handmade lace weaving. She weaves and source lace from the area and handpicked it for KÛR designs.

This community is at the forefront of our brand. Our motto is to make this “sustainable community” flourish.